Setia Banget

Bukan mau ngomongin setia pada pasangan kok, haha. Karena itu sudah pasti setia, tok mentok cinta mateeek ma si akang #tsaah. Kali ini mau ngomongin setia ma barang-barang yang dipunya, specially gadget, eh bukan dink karena masih hp jadul :D.

Jadi ceritanya merek HP aku sekarang ini yang buatan negara Finland (tau donk merek apa). Bentuknya mirip hp bebe. Belinya sekitar Januari 2011, lama amiir yaa :D. Dulu beli pake duit hasil ngumpulin sendiri, hasil ngajar les. Banggga doonk eikee 😀 kan belinya pake duit sendiri, hehe. Harganya sekitar 1 jeti, mureeh yee :D.

Fiturnya saat tahun 2011, termasuk lumayan. Kameranya memang jelek, tapi saya bukan org narsis, jd ga masalah. Yang penting bisa WA-an, sms, tlp, browsing, that’s enough for me. Meskipun saat itu Bebe lagi merajalela, Hp android juga mulai booming banget, tapi aku ga tertarik, wong duitnya ga cukup kalee #nasiib. Kalo sekarang, fitur hp aku emang ketinggalan jauh sama ‘android’, hahaha. Tapi aku tetep setia donk, karena emang belum perlu beli gadget :D. Pleus karena duitnya juga sekarang kan duit berdua. Meskipun punya duit, teuteup harus seijin suami ngebelanjainnya (nasib belum punya penghasilan sendiri).

Udah ah berees. Postingan yang geje yaa,hehehe

Jauh di Mata Dekat di Hati

Lagi kangen sama keluarga. Kangen mamah, kakek, Adi, dan Eci. Kayaknya dalam pikiran aku cuma 4 orang itu yang selalu aku khawatirin (pleus suami cencunyaa). Kami berlima tinggal ditempat yang berbeda. Long Distance Family ceritanyaaa.

Kadang suka nangis kalo lagi inget mereka dan suka mengeluh kenapa kami harus hidup terpisah ;(. Mamah lagi di Jakarta, kerja. Kakek tinggal di Cihampelas Bdg. Adi tinggal sama uwak di Ciamis. Sedangkan Eci ngekost di Jatinangor.

Keadaan ini selalu membuatku bertekad agar aku sukses. Sehingga mamah tidak perlu bekerja. Adi bisa sekolah dengan tenang. Eci juga bisa tenang menjalani kuliah kedokterannya, aamiin

Ya Alloh, berikanlah kami kesabaran menghadapi ujian ini. Berikanlah kami kekuatan menjalaninya. Semoga apa yang kami semua jalani selalu berada dalam ridhoMu, aamiin.

A Lill Excuse :P

Today was the teaching time for me. However, I decided to not come to school. It seemed like I didn’t think about my students, right? Not, it’s not like that. There were several reasons why I didn’t come to school :D. First, I didn’t feel well since the dawn. Second, there’s no learning activity in school. Third, I think I couldn’t let my hubby handle the workshop alone. Okay, let me explain the reasons one by one. (aciyeee ‘sok’ popular mode on) 😛

I think I got mag since yesterday but i ignore it. Last night when I had dinner, I felt my stomach was full although I just started my dinner. Then I felt a bit fever before I went to bed. I still ignored it because I tought it was only usual mag. However, I did many activities in early morning such as washing clothes, doing dishes, wiping the floor. I did it since 4.30 AM which it is unusual for me. I usually do the chores from 5.30 AM. The effect was I got mag. I didn’t know wheter the mag was caused by my activities or just my previos sympthoms, hahaha. Yet, I think it’s better to take a rest today. 😛

Second excuse was because today there’s no learning activity in school. To comemmorate the new year in Hijri, my school held a islamic contests. The contests are Bahasa Speech Contest, fashion show contest, Reciting Al-qur’an contest, and Kaligrafi contest. I think my existence is not so important there. Then, it makes me more eager to not come to school today, hahaha.

Last excuse was I couldn’t leave my hubby when he would be too busy to handle the workshop alone. Although we have mechanics, we have to supervise them to do their job correctly. Then it would be hard if my supervise the mechanics and managing the chasier in the same time. He would be panic and make a mistakes in managing the chasier. Moreover, my Parent in law was not in home. They went to Kawalu to attend our cousin’s wedding. Therefore, I thought I should accompany my hubby (Istri sholehah mode on) :D.
Yet, I felt better now when I finished writing this post, LOL. Lately I know why, maybe it was because I was lazy to come to school today, hahaha

My Laziness (Part 1)

It has been 10 months since he married me. Now, I’m a wife. However, I still feel that I was single. I mean, I still childish, selfish, and LAZY. Yes, the last word really describes me best. LOL

All my families know how lazy I am. I am lazy to cook, to clean the house, to make a bed, to tidy up my room and my cupboard, LOL. Now, I wanna share you bout my laziness in cooking

All of my families know that I was lazy to cook. If I had money, I’d buy the meal, and if not, I didn’t. I prefer to be hungry all day long to cook meal :D. Even my uncle said “wow surprise!” if I was in kitchen, hahaha. I am also not a picky eater, I eat whatever as long as it is eatable, wkwk. I mean I didn’t think too much about the flavor, as long as it is fresh, tasty and ready to eat it, I would eat it. Moreover, if the meal was made by others and was served, I’d directly eat it :D. Okay, please don’t think that I don’t know anything related to cook. I know some but I am too lazy to cook. That’s the problem LOL

Now, since I has been a wife, the cooking has been my daily job. LOL. There are many funny and silly things happen in my cooking experience. But I will share it next time 😀